Enterprise Single Sign-On for All

Configuration Management

The core foundations of CAS that deal with configuration management, settings and replication of changes across multiple CAS nodes are all entirely handled automatically via the Spring Cloud project. The strategies listed below present a very flexible and powerful way to manage CAS configuration for production deployments, by allowing the CAS adopter to ONLY keep track of settings required for their specific deployment concerns and leaving all else behind to be handled by the default CAS configuration.

The following strategies may be used to fully extend the CAS configuration model.

YAML or Properties?

CAS configuration allows for both YAML and Properties syntax in any of the below strategies used. It generally does not matter which syntax is used, but when working with Unicode strings as properties values it does matter. Spring loads properties files using the ISO-8859-1 encoding. YAML files are loaded with UTF-8 encoding. If you are setting Unicode values try using a YAML configuration file.


CAS allows you to externalize your configuration so you can work with the same CAS instance in different environments. You can use properties files, YAML files, environment variables and command-line arguments to externalize configuration.

CAS uses a very particular order that is designed to allow sensible overriding of values. Properties passed to the CAS web application are considered in the following order:

  1. Command line arguments, starting with -- (e.g. --server.port=9000)
  2. Properties from SPRING_APPLICATION_JSON (inline JSON embedded in an environment variable/system property)
  3. JNDI attributes from java:comp/env.
  4. Java System properties.
  5. OS environment variables.
  6. Configuration files (i.e. application.properties|yml) indicated by the configuration server and profile.
Managing Configuration

In order to manage the CAS configuration, you should configure access to CAS administration panels.

Configuration Server

CAS provides a built-in configuration server that is responsible for bootstrapping the configuration environment and loading of externalized settings in a distributed system. You may have a central place to manage external properties for CAS nodes across all environments. To learn more about how to manage the CAS configuration, please review this guide.

Extending CAS Configuration

To learn more about how to extend and customize the CAS configuration, please review this guide.

Auto Configuration Strategy

To see a complete list of CAS properties, please review this guide.

Note that CAS in most if not all cases will attempt to auto-configure the context based on the declaration and presence of feature-specific dedicated modules. This generally SHOULD relieve the deployer from manually massaging the application context via XML configuration files.

The idea is twofold:

  • Declare your intention for a given CAS feature by declaring the appropriate module in your overlay.
  • Optionally, configure the appropriate properties and settings.

CAS will automatically take care of injecting appropriate beans and other components into the runtime application context, Depending on the presence of a module and/or its settings configured by the deployer.


Again, the entire point of the auto-configuration strategy is ensure deployers aren't swimming in a sea of XML files configuring beans and such. CAS should take care of it all. If you find an instance where this claim does not hold, consider that a "bug" and file a feature request.