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Single Sign-On for the Web

Configuring Authentication Components

The CAS authentication process is performed by several related components:


Entry point into authentication subsystem. It accepts one or more credentials and delegates authentication to configured AuthenticationHandler components. It collects the results of each attempt and determines effective security policy.


Authenticates a single credential and reports one of three possible results: success, failure, not attempted.


Converts information in the authentication credential into a security principal that commonly contains additional metadata attributes (i.e. user details such as affiliations, group membership, email, display name).


Strategy component for setting arbitrary metadata about a successful authentication event; these are commonly used to set protocol-specific data.

Unless otherwise noted, the configuration for all authentication components is handled in deployerConfigContext.xml. w

Authentication Manager

CAS ships with a single yet flexible authentication manager, PolicyBasedAuthenticationManager, that should be sufficient for most needs. It performs authentication according to the following contract.

For each given credential do the following:

  1. Iterate over all configured authentication handlers.
  2. Attempt to authenticate a credential if a handler supports it.
  3. On success attempt to resolve a principal.
  4. Check whether a resolver is configured for the handler that authenticated the credential.
  5. If a suitable resolver is found, attempt to resolve the principal.
  6. If a suitable resolver is not found, use the principal resolved by the authentication handler.
  7. Check whether the security policy (e.g. any, all) is satisfied.
  8. If security policy is met return immediately.
  9. Continue if security policy is not met.
  10. After all credentials have been attempted check security policy again and throw AuthenticationException if not satisfied.

There is an implicit security policy that requires at least one handler to successfully authenticate a credential, but the behavior can be further controlled by setting #setAuthenticationPolicy(AuthenticationPolicy) with one of the following policies.


Satisfied if any handler succeeds. Supports a tryAll flag to avoid short circuiting at step 4.1 above and try every handler even if one prior succeeded. This policy is the default and provides backward-compatible behavior with the AuthenticationManagerImpl component of CAS 3.x.


Satisfied if and only if all given credentials are successfully authenticated. Support for multiple credentials is new in CAS 4.0 and this handler would only be acceptable in a multi-factor authentication situation.


Satisfied if an only if a specified handler successfully authenticates its credential. Supports a tryAll flag to avoid short circuiting at step 4.1 above and try every handler even if one prior succeeded. This policy could be used to support a multi-factor authentication situation, for example, where username/password authentication is required but an additional OTP is optional.

The following configuration snippet demonstrates how to configure PolicyBasedAuthenticationManager for a straightforward multi-factor authentication case where username/password authentication is required and an additional OTP credential is optional; in both cases principals are resolved from LDAP.

<bean id="passwordHandler"
      <!-- Details elided for simplicity -->

<bean id="oneTimePasswordHandler"
      p:name="oneTimePasswordHandler" />

<bean id="authenticationPolicy"
      p:tryAll="true" />

<bean id="ldapPrincipalResolver"
      <!-- Details elided for simplicity -->

<bean id="authenticationManager"
      <entry key-ref="passwordHandler" value-ref="ldapPrincipalResolver"/>
      <entry key-ref="oneTimePasswordHandler" value-ref="ldapPrincipalResolver" />
  <property name="authenticationMetaDataPopulators">
      <bean class="org.jasig.cas.authentication.SuccessfulHandlerMetaDataPopulator" />

Authentication Handlers

CAS ships with support for authenticating against many common kinds of authentication systems. The following list provides a complete list of supported authentication technologies; jump to the section(s) of interest.

There are some additional handlers for small deployments and special cases:

Argument Extractors

Extractors are responsible to examine the http request received for parameters that describe the authentication request such as the requesting service, etc. Extractors exist for a number of supported authentication protocols and each create appropriate instances of WebApplicationService that contains the results of the extraction.

Argument extractor configuration is defined at src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/spring-configuration/argumentExtractorsConfiguration.xml. Here’s a brief sample:

<bean id="casArgumentExtractor" class="" />

<util:list id="argumentExtractors">
  <ref bean="casArgumentExtractor" />



Strategy parent interface that defines operations needed to extract arguments from the http request.


Argument extractor that maps the request based on the specifications of the CAS protocol.


Argument extractor to be used to enable Google Apps integration and SAML v2 specification.


Argument extractor compliant with SAML v1.1 specification.


Argument extractor compliant with OpenId protocol.

Principal Resolution

A CAS principal contains a unique identifier by which the authenticated user will be known to all requesting services. A principal also contains optional attributes that may be released to services to support authorization and personalization. Principal resolution is a requisite part of the authentication process that happens after credential authentication.

CAS 4 AuthenticationHandler components provide simple principal resolution machinery by default. For example, the LdapAuthenticationHandler component supports fetching attributes and setting the principal ID attribute from an LDAP query. In all cases principals are resolved from the same store as that which provides authentication.

In many cases it is necessary to perform authentication by one means and resolve principals by another. The PrincipalResolver component provides this functionality. A common use case for this this mix-and-match strategy arises with X.509 authentication. It is common to store certificates in an LDAP directory and query the directory to resolve the principal ID and attributes from directory attributes. The X509CertificateAuthenticationHandler may be be combined with an LDAP-based principal resolver to accommodate this case.

PrincipalResolver Components


Uses the Jasig Person Directory library to provide a flexible principal resolution services against a number of data sources. The key to configuring PersonDirectoryPrincipalResolver is the definition of an IPersonAttributeDao object. The Person Directory documentation provides configuration for two common examples:

We present a stub configuration here that can be modified accordingly by consulting the Person Directory documentation.

<bean id="attributeRepository"
  <property name="backingMap">
      <entry key="uid" value="username"/>
      <entry key="eduPersonAffiliation" value="affiliation"/>
      <entry key="member" value="member"/>

<bean id="principalResolver"
      p:returnNullIfNoAttributes="true" />

Extension of PersonDirectoryPrincipalResolver that is specifically for use with OpenID credentials. The configuration of this component is identical to that of PersonDirectoryPrincipalResolver.


Extension of PersonDirectoryPrincipalResolver that is specifically for use with SPNEGO credentials. The configuration is the same as that of PersonDirectoryPrincipalResolver but with an additional property, transformPrincipalId, that provides a simple case transform on the principal ID. The following values are supported:

<bean id="principalResolver"
      p:transformPrincipalId="UPPERCASE" />

Creates a principal ID from a format string composed of components from the subject distinguished name. See the X.509 principal resolver section for more information.


Creates a principal ID from the certificate subject distinguished name.

PrincipalResolver Versus AuthenticationHandler

The principal resolution machinery provided by AuthenticationHandler components should be used in preference to PrincipalResolver in any situation where the former provides adequate functionality.

Authentication Metadata

AuthenticationMetaDataPopulator components provide a pluggable strategy for injecting arbitrary metadata into the authentication subsystem for consumption by other subsystems or external components. Some notable uses of metadata populators:

The default authentication metadata populators should be sufficient for most deployments. Where the components are required to support optional CAS features, they will be explicitly identified and configuration will be provided.

Long Term Authentication

This feature, also known as Remember Me, extends the length of the SSO session beyond the typical period of hours such that users can go days or weeks without having to log in to CAS. See the security guide for discussion of security concerns related to long term authentication.

Policy and Deployment Considerations

While users can elect to establish a long term authentication session, the duration is established through configuration as a matter of security policy. Deployers must determine the length of long term authentication sessions by weighing convenience against security risks. The length of the long term authentication session is configured (somewhat unhelpfully) in seconds, but the Google calculator provides a convenient converter:

2 weeks in seconds

The use of long term authentication sessions dramatically increases the length of time ticket-granting tickets are stored in the ticket registry. Loss of a ticket-granting ticket corresponding to a long-term SSO session would require the user to reauthenticate to CAS. A security policy that requires that long term authentication sessions MUST NOT be terminated prior to their natural expiration would mandate a ticket registry component that provides for durable storage. Memcached is a notable example of a store that has no facility for durable storage. In many cases loss of ticket-granting tickets is acceptable, even for long term authentication sessions.

It’s important to note that ticket-granting tickets and service tickets can be stored in separate registries, where the former provides durable storage for persistent long-term authentication tickets and the latter provides less durable storage for ephemeral service tickets. Thus deployers could mix JpaTicketRegistry and MemcachedTicketRegistry, for example, to take advantage of their strengths, durability and speed respectively.

Component Configuration

Long term authentication requires configuring CAS components in Spring configuration, modification of the CAS login webflow, and UI customization of the login form. The length of the long term authentication session is represented in following sections by the following property:

# Long term authentication session length in seconds

The duration of the long term authentication session is configured in two different places: 1. ticketExpirationPolicies.xml 2. ticketGrantingTicketCookieGenerator.xml

Update the ticket-granting ticket expiration policy in ticketExpirationPolicies.xml to accommodate both long term and stardard sessions.

   | The following policy applies to standard CAS SSO sessions.
   | Default 2h (7200s) sliding expiration with default 8h (28800s) maximum lifetime.
<bean id="standardSessionTGTExpirationPolicy"

   | The following policy applies to long term CAS SSO sessions.
   | Default duration is two weeks (1209600s).
<bean id="longTermSessionTGTExpirationPolicy"
      c:timeToKillInMilliSeconds="#{ ${rememberMeDuration:1209600} * 1000 }" />

<bean id="grantingTicketExpirationPolicy"
      p:rememberMeExpirationPolicy-ref="longTermSessionTGTExpirationPolicy" />

Update the CASTGC cookie expiration in ticketGrantingTicketCookieGenerator.xml to match the long term authentication duration:

<bean id="ticketGrantingTicketCookieGenerator" class=""
      p:cookiePath="/cas" />

Modify the PolicyBasedAuthenticationManager bean in deployerConfigContext.xml to include the RememberMeAuthenticationMetaDataPopulator component that flags long-term SSO sessions:

<bean id="authenticationManager"
      <entry key-ref="passwordHandler" value-ref="ldapPrincipalResolver"/>
  <property name="authenticationMetaDataPopulators">
      <bean class="org.jasig.cas.authentication.SuccessfulHandlerMetaDataPopulator" />
      <bean class="org.jasig.cas.authentication.principal.RememberMeAuthenticationMetaDataPopulator" />

Webflow Configuration

Two sections of login-webflow.xml require changes: 1. credential variable declaration 2. viewLoginForm action state

Change the credential variable declaration as follows:

<var name="credential" class="org.jasig.cas.authentication.RememberMeUsernamePasswordCredential" />

Change the viewLoginForm action state as follows:

<view-state id="viewLoginForm" view="casLoginView" model="credential">
    <binding property="username" />
    <binding property="password" />
    <binding property="rememberMe" />
    <set name="viewScope.commandName" value="'credential'" />
  <transition on="submit" bind="true" validate="true" to="realSubmit">
    <evaluate expression="authenticationViaFormAction.doBind(flowRequestContext, flowScope.credential)" />

User Interface Customization

A checkbox or other suitable control must be added to the CAS login form to allow user selection of long term authentication. We recommend adding a checkbox control to casLoginView.jsp as in the following code snippet. The only functional consideration is that the name of the form element is rememberMe.

<input type="checkbox" name="rememberMe" id="rememberMe" value="true" />
<label for="rememberMe">Remember Me</label>

Proxy Authentication

Proxy authentication support for CASv2 and CASv3 protocols is enabled by default, thus it is entirely a matter of CAS client configuration to leverage proxy authentication features.

Disabling proxy authentication components is recommended for deployments that wish to strategically avoid proxy authentication as a matter of security policy. The simplest means of removing support is to remove support for the /proxy and /proxyValidate endpoints on the CAS server. The relevant sections of cas-servlet.xml are listed below and the aspects related to proxy authentication may either be commented out or removed altogether.

  <property name="mappings">
      <prop key="/serviceValidate">serviceValidateController</prop>
      <prop key="/validate">legacyValidateController</prop>
      <prop key="/proxy">proxyController</prop>
      <prop key="/proxyValidate">proxyValidateController</prop>
      <prop key="/authorizationFailure.html">passThroughController</prop>
      <prop key="/status">healthCheckController</prop>
      <prop key="/statistics">statisticsController</prop>

<bean id="proxyController" class="org.jasig.cas.web.ProxyController"

<bean id="proxyValidateController" class="org.jasig.cas.web.ServiceValidateController"

Proxy Handlers

Components responsible to determine what needs to be done to handle proxies.


Proxy handler compliant with CAS v1 protocol that is designed to not handle proxy requests and simply return nothing as proxy support in the protocol is absent.

<bean id="proxy10Handler" class=""/>


Protocol handler compliant with CAS v2 protocol that is responsible to callback the URL provided and give it a pgtIou and a pgtId.

<bean id="proxy20Handler" class=""

Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)

CAS 4 provides a framework for multi-factor authentication (MFA). The design philosophy for MFA support follows from the observation that institutional security policies with respect to MFA vary dramatically. We provide first class API support for authenticating multiple credentials and a policy framework around authentication. The components could be extended in a straightforward fashion to provide higher-level behaviors such as Webflow logic to assist, for example, a credential upgrade scenario where a SSO session is started by a weaker credential but a particular service demands reauthentication with a stronger credential.

The authentication subsystem in CAS natively supports handling multiple credentials. While the default login form and Webflow tier are designed for the simple case of accepting a single credential, all core API components that interface with the authentication subsystem accept one or more credentials to authenticate.

Beyond support for multiple credentials, an extensible policy framework is available to apply policy arbitrarily. CAS ships with support for applying policy in the following areas:


CAS ships with an authentication manager component that is fundamentally MFA-aware. It supports a number of policies, discussed above, that could facilitate a simple MFA design; for example, where multiple credentials are invariably required to start a CAS SSO session.


Strategy pattern component for applying security policy in an arbitrary context. These components are assumed to be stateful once created.


Factory class for creating stateful instances of ContextualAuthenticationPolicy that apply to a particular context.


Simple factory class that produces contextual security policies that always pass. This component is configured by default in some cases to provide backward compatibility with CAS 3.x.


Factory that produces policy objects based on the security context of the service requesting a ticket. In particular the security context is based on the required authentication handlers that must have successfully validated credentials in order to access the service. A clarifying example is helpful; assume the following authentication components are defined in deployerConfigContext.xml:

<bean id="ldapHandler"
      <!-- Details elided for simplicity -->

<bean id="oneTimePasswordHandler"
      p:name="oneTimePasswordHandler" />

<bean id="authenticationManager"
      <entry key-ref="passwordHandler" value="#{ null }" />
      <entry key-ref="oneTimePasswordHandler" value="#{ null }" />

Assume also the following beans are defined in applicationContext.xml:

<bean id="centralAuthenticationService"
      p:serviceContextAuthenticationPolicyFactory-ref="casAuthenticationPolicy" />

<bean id="casAuthenticationPolicy"
      class="org.jasig.cas.authentication.RequiredHandlerAuthenticationPolicyFactory" />

With the above configuration in mind, the service management facility may now be leveraged to register services that require specific kinds of credentials be used to access the service. The kinds of required credentials are specified by naming the authentication handlers that accept them, for example, ldapHandler and oneTimePasswordHandler. Thus a service could be registered that imposes security constraints like the following:

Only permit users with SSO sessions created from both a username/password and OTP token to access this service.

Login Throttling

CAS provides a facility for limiting failed login attempts to support password guessing and related abuse scenarios. A couple strategies are provided for tracking failed attempts:

  1. Source IP - Limit successive failed logins against any username from the same IP address.
  2. Source IP and username - Limit succesive failed logins against a particular user from the same IP address.

It would be straightforward to develop new components that implement alternative strategies.

All login throttling components that ship with CAS limit successive failed login attempts that exceed a threshold rate in failures per second. The following properties are provided to define the failure rate.

A failure rate of more than 1 per 3 seconds is indicative of an automated authentication attempt, which is a reasonable basis for throttling policy. Regardless of policy care should be taken to weigh security against access; overly restrictive policies may prevent legitimate authentication attempts.

Throttling Components

The CAS login throttling components are listed below along with a sample configuration that implements a policy preventing more than 1 failed login every 3 seconds.


Uses a memory map to prevent successive failed login attempts from the same IP address.

<bean id="loginThrottle"
      p:failureThreshold="1" />

Uses a memory map to prevent successive failed login attempts for a particular username from the same IP address.

<bean id="loginThrottle"
      p:failureThreshold="1" />

Queries the data source used by the CAS audit facility to prevent successive failed login attempts for a particular username from the same IP address. This component requires that the inspektr library used for CAS auditing be configured with JdbcAuditTrailManager, which writes audit data to a database.

<bean id="loginThrottle"
      p:failureThreshold="1" />

<bean id="auditTrailManager"
      p:dataSource-ref="dataSource" />

<bean id="inspektrTransactionManager"
      p:dataSource-ref="dataSource" />

<bean id="inspektrTransactionTemplate"
      p:propagationBehaviorName="PROPAGATION_REQUIRED" />

High Availability Considerations for Throttling

All of the throttling components are suitable for a CAS deployment that satisfies the recommended HA architecture. In particular deployments with multiple CAS nodes behind a load balancer configured with session affinity can use either in-memory or inspektr components. It is instructive to discuss the rationale. Since load balancer session affinity is determined by source IP address, which is the same criterion by which throttle policy is applied, an attacker from a fixed location should be bound to the same CAS server node for successive authentication attempts. A distributed attack, on the other hand, where successive request would be routed indeterminately, would cause haphazard tracking for in-memory CAS components since attempts would be split across N systems. However, since the source varies, accurate accounting would be pointless since the throttling components themselves assume a constant source IP for tracking purposes. The login throttling components are simply not sufficient for detecting or preventing a distributed password brute force attack.

For stateless CAS clusters where there is no session affinity, the in-memory components may afford some protection but they cannot apply the rate strictly since requests to CAS hosts would be split across N systems. The inspektr components, on the other hand, fully support stateless clusters.

Configuring Login Throttling

Login throttling configuration consists of two core components:

  1. A login throttle modeled as a Spring HandlerInterceptorAdapter component.
  2. A scheduled task that periodically cleans up state to allow the throttle to relax.

The period of scheduled task execution MUST be less than that defined by failureRangeInSeconds for proper throttle policy enforcement. For example, if failureRangeInSeconds is 3, then the quartz trigger that drives the task would be configured for less than 3000 (ms).

It is convenient to place Spring configuration for login throttling components in deployerConfigContext.xml.

<bean id="loginThrottle"
      p:failureThreshold="1" />

<bean id="loginThrottleJobDetail"

<!-- A scheduler that drives all configured triggers is provided by default in applicationContext.xml. -->
<bean id="loginThrottleTrigger"

Configure the throttle to fire during the login webflow by editing cas-servlet.xml:

<bean id="loginFlowHandlerMapping" class="org.springframework.webflow.mvc.servlet.FlowHandlerMapping"
  <property name="interceptors">
    <ref local="localeChangeInterceptor" />
    <ref local="loginThrottle" />