CAS is open source software supported primarily by an open and friendly community. Our premier support channel is community discussion mediated primarily via Mailing Lists.
Free Support
Please take the following steps to obtain support from the CAS user community.
Remember that activity on the mailing lists and all other support channels is entirely voluntary. There are no SLAs. There are no guarantees. You may opt into professional support agreements with Apereo commercial service providers if that is unacceptable.
Search Archives
The Google Groups mirror of the community discussion list provides an excellent search interface for list archives. In countless cases a particular question has been asked and answered multiple times. Please search the archives before posting to the community discussion list.
Chat Room 
The CAS community chat room is provided by Gitter.
Mailing Lists
The CAS community discussion mailing list is a moderate traffic list where questions are typically answered on the order of minutes and typically resolved within a couple days. CAS developers monitor the list and frequently participate in discussion. See the Mailing Lists page for subscription and etiquette.
The Apereo Foundation (formerly Jasig) offers a number of conferences that provide presentations and training on a number of software products, including CAS, that are relevant to Higher Education. Conferences are an excellent venue for strengthening ties to the larger CAS community and related open source software ecosystem.
Paid Support
A number of consulting firms offer paid support for CAS. We list a few here with whom we have had positive experiences and feel comfortable recommending.
Unicon is a software consulting services firm that provides educational institutions with ‘best-fit’ open source solutions to IT business challenges. The company’s focus is enterprise deployments of open source software for campus portals, collaboration, learning, calendaring, email and integration technology for higher education.