Enterprise Single Sign-On for All

Acceptable Usage Policy

CAS presents the ability to allow the user to accept the usage policy before moving on to the application. Production-level deployments of this feature would require modifications to the flow such that the retrieval and/or acceptance of the policy would be handled via an external storage mechanism such as LDAP or JDBC.


Support is enabled by including the following dependency in the WAR overlay:


Customize the policy by modifying the src/main/resources/casAcceptableUsagePolicyView.html. See this guide to learn more about user interface customizations. Note that the view here should have full access to the resolved principal and attributes, if you wish to dynamically alter the page to present different text, etc.

To see the relevant list of CAS properties, please review this guide.

Storage Mechanism

Usage policy user decisions are stored and rememberd via the following ways.


By default the task of remembering the user’s choice is kept in memory by default and will be lost upon container restarts and/or in clustered deployments.


Alternatively, CAS can be configured to use LDAP as the storage mechanism. This option allows the deployer to detect the current user’s policy choice via a CAS single-valued boolean attribute. The attribute must be resolved using the CAS attribute resolution strategy. If the attribute contains a value of false, CAS will attempt to ask for policy acceptance. Upon accepting the policy, the result will be stored back into LDAP and remembered via the same attribute.

Support is enabled by including the following dependency in the WAR overlay:
