Enterprise Single Sign-On for All

Services Management Webapp

The services management webapp is no longer part of the CAS server and is a standalone web application.

  • The management webapp is used to add/edit/delete all the CAS services
  • The CAS server loads/relies on all these defined CAS services to process all incoming requests.
Synchronized Configuration

You MUST keep in mind that both applications (the CAS server and the services management webapp) share the same service registry configuration for CAS services.

A sample overlay for the services management webapp is provided here: https://github.com/apereo/cas-services-management-overlay

To see the relevant list of CAS properties, please review this guide.

Services Registry

The persistence storage for services MUST be the same as that of the CAS server.

Authentication Method

Access to the management webapp is by default configured to authenticate against a CAS server. To see the relevant list of CAS properties, please review this guide.


Learn how to control access to the management web application.

Static List of Users

By default, access is limited to a static list of users whose credentials may be specified in a user-details.properties file that should be available on the runtime classpath.


Alternatively, the authorization generator examines the CAS validation response and principal for attributes and will grant access if an attribute name matches the value of adminRoles defined in the configuration.


Support is enabled by including the following dependency in the WAR overlay:


To see the relevant list of CAS properties, please review this guide.