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JPA Ticket Registry

The JPA Ticket Registry allows CAS to store client authenticated state data (tickets) in a database back-end such as MySQL.

Usage Warning!

Using a relational database as the back-end persistence choice for ticket registry state management is a fairly unnecessary and complicated process. Unless you are already outfitted with clustered database technology and the resources to manage it, the complexity is likely not worth the trouble.

Support is enabled by adding the following module into the overlay:



To see the relevant list of CAS properties, please review this guide.

A background cleaner process is also automatically scheduled to scan the chosen database periodically and remove expired records based on configured threshold parameters.

Cleaner Usage

In a clustered CAS deployment, it is best to keep the cleaner running on one designated CAS node only and turn it off on all others via CAS settings. Keeping the cleaner running on all nodes may likely lead to severe performance and locking issues.

Ticket-granting Ticket Locking

TGTs are almost always updated within the same transaction they are loaded from the database in, but after some processing delays. Because of this, the JPA Ticket Registry utilizes write locks on all loads of TGTs from the database to prevent deadlocks and ensure usage meta-data consistency when a single TGT is used concurrently by multiple requests.

This reduces performance of the JPA Ticket Registry and may not be desirable or necessary for some deployments depending the database in use, its configured transaction isolation level, and expected concurrency of a single TGT.

To see the relevant list of CAS properties, please review this guide.